Automated Aardvark Permeameter


Automated Aardvark Permeameter

Automated Aardvark Permeameter

Product Overview

These kit consist of an Aardvark Permeameter Kit (2840K1) for measurements shallower  than 3 m ( 11 ft) or 2840K2 for measurements deeper than 3 m) and a Digital Scale (7201W10) which can be connected to a personal computer (not included) and record the measurements automatically and accurately, using the Simply Data Software Suite.

There is no need to manually record data or perform the calculations, It is also possible to view the real-time graph of soil-water flux rate during the measurement period.

This kit is a perfect option for laboratory experiments where it can easily be connected to a personal computer.

Automated Aardvark Permeameter can also be used in the field using a portable laptop computer. This model can even be used to take manual readings (when no PC is available).

Using the digital scale significantly adds to the accuracy of readings.

Guelph Permeameter

The Guelph Permeameter is an easy to use instrument to quickly and accurately measure in-situ hydraulic conductivity.

Accurate evaluation of soil hydraulic conductivity, soil sorptivity, and matrix flux potential can be made in all types of soils.

The equipment can be transported, assembled, and operated easily by one person. Measurements can be made in 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on soil type, and require only about 2.5 liters of water.

Measurements can be made in the range of 15 to 75 cm below the soil surface. The Guelph Permeameter comes as a complete kit consisting of the permeameter, field tripod, borehole auger, borehole preparation, and cleanup tools, collapsible water container, and vacuum test hand pump, all in a durable carrying case.

Accessory attachments are available to extend the measurement capability of the permeameter. Depth attachments increase the depth of operation by 80 cm.

The maximum practical operating depth is 315 cm. Ring attachments allow ring infiltrometers measurements with 10 cm and 20 cm diameter rings. A tension adapter allows measurements to be made under tensional and very low tension (negative head) conditions.


Auger Cutting Diameter:6.0 cm (2-3/8 inches)
Well Height Range:2.5 cm to 25 cm
Hydraulic Conductivity Range:10-4 to 10-7 m/sec (10-2 to 10-5 cm/sec)
Collapsible Water container Capacity:11.36 litres (3.0 gallons)
Maximum Permeameter Capacity:3.18 litres (0.84 gallons)
Overall Carrying Case Size:132.08 cm (50 inches) long by 44.45 cm (17.5 inches) wide by 15.24 cm (6 inches) deep
Overall Carrying Case Weight:11 kg (25 lbs)
Depth Range, Standard Unit:15 to 75 cm (Note: with Extension Tubes, measuring depths can be increased)
Combined Reservoir cross-sectional area (X value):35.22 cm2 (±0.18 cm2 standard deviation)
Inner Reservoir cross-sectional area (Y value):.16 cm2 (±0.04 cm2 standard deviation)

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