CI-340 Handheld Photosynthesis System

Photosynthesis System

CI-340 Handheld Photosynthesis System

CI-340 Handheld Photosynthesis System

Accurate and Portable— Gas Exchange on the Go!

Compact and durable, this single-handed tool measures photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, stomatal conductance, PAR, and internal CO2 all in one easy-to-carry unit.

Optional accessory modules enable the researcher to control CO2, H2O, temperature, light intensity, and measure chlorophyll fluorescence, while the ten different customized chambers accommodate any leaf size, including conifer needles and cacti.

Direct chamber connection to the CO2/H2O gas analyzer reduces measurement delay and enables rapid measurement of gas exchange.

The control modules expand the use of the CI-340 and enable users to modify light intensity, manipulate CO2 and H2O concentrates, adjust the temperature, and measure chlorophyll fluorescence.


Ecologists use the CI-340 to measure seasonal changes in photosynthetic rate as a response to temperature shifts.

1. Agronomists use the CI-340 to measure the water status of crop plants across related genotypes.
2. Horticulturalists use the CI-340 to measure changes in leaf physiology as a result of drought stress.

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